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Tennis Court Paint
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”rounded-tick”]- High quality co-polymer based latex paint formulated with a suitable grade of Titanium Dioxide and other functional fillers
- It is most ideal choice for Tennis Courts and playing arenas with an elegant look
- Good flow and drying properties
- Good abrasion resistance
- Extremely good toughness
- It is for the interiors and exteriors alike and is washable
- It is strongly recommended for interiors and exteriors, on good laid playing courts like Tennis, Basketball, Badminton, and other sports arenas of smooth concrete, cement plasters
- Standard shades are available Red, Green, Blue, White and as per customer requirement.
- The theoretical coverage of ROBBIALAC TENNIS COURT PAINT would be approximately 6 – 7 M²/ liter at a Dry film thickness of 40 µ
Due consideration must be given to the evenness of the surface and the nature of the substrate.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Surface preparation” tab_id=”1484264553671-3f575912-fe82″][vc_column_text]Surface preparation:
- Clean the surface free from the dust and other moieties that would be detrimental for a long lasting performance and finish
- Apply ROBBIALAC ACRYLIC PRIMER for through binding properties for ROBBIALAC TENNIS COURT PAINT top coat
- Apply the ROBBIALAC ACRYLIC BINDER which prepares the surface with adequate penetration and obliteration
- Stir well the ROBBIALAC TENNIS COURT PAINT with a convenient mixing equipment for uniformity to ensure mixing of all the components
- Caution to be adhered strictly for uniformity of shades
- In case of a repainting job clean the surface completely to remove the dirt and loose flake and repeat the process mentioned above
*Do not apply directly on surfaces containing previous coats of enamel paint
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Method of application” tab_id=”1484264608249-4dc75bd2-5273″][vc_column_text]Method of application:
- By roller/brush and if large areas are to be painted one can use suitable spray application
- To keep the brush/roller and spray equipment in good condition for use, clean the same in luke warm water and dry them immediately after application
Thinning recommendation:
- Soft water and to the extent of maximum of 10 – 15% of the paint by volume.
- Stir well with a convenient mixing equipment for uniformity to ensure good mixing of all the components.
Pack Sizes:
- Available in plastic pails of 4/20 liter packs